Gupta Steel Fabricators
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Box Gutters

 box gutter is a type of gutter that sits between two parallel parts of a roof. The box gutter between two roofs act as a valley between the two surfaces and collect drain water. However, box gutters should not be confused with valley gutters. Rainwater from both roofs (or parts of the roof) feeds into the box gutter. The box gutter drains the water away via downpipe nozzles or sumps that have downpipes built into it. A box gutter aims to channel rainwater from the roof to external parts of the building through a downpipe or the box gutter overflow system. Box guttering systems typically feature on the roofs of commercial buildings. However, they are also in some residential homes.

eaves gutters

A shallow channel of metal or wood set immediately below and along the eaves of a building to catch and carry off rainwater from the roof. Also see box gutter, concealed gutter, flying gutter, standing gutter, sunk gutter, through gutter. Also called eaves gutter, eaves trough, roof gutter.

parapet gutters

Parapets will have a gutter behind them. This type of gutter is also found behind a cornice with a single stone course above it. These gutters are long and will normally have steps formed in the lead to ensure the rain flows down to a sump.

rain gutters

Vinyl and aluminum gutters are considered two of the best types of gutters because they are cost efficient, meaning that for what they cost, they do their job well. And they are not over the top expensive either. Stainless steel gutters are another great option, but they come with a heftier price tag.