Gupta Steel Fabricators
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Steel Door Frame

Metal-frames are strong, can withstood storm and earthquakes. Metal frames are safe against burglars. Metal frames are safe against fire. Metal frames are economical in cost.

open door frame

The most simply constructed door frame consists of a head supported by two vertical stiles, without a sill across the bottom. These are called open door frames and are used for interior doors, where a raised threshold at the bottom of the door could hinder access.

closed door frame

Exterior door frames will need to have a sill or threshold; these are called closed door frames. This horizontal piece at the bottom of the frame completes the seal around the door. The door sits on the sill when it’s closed.

pocket door frame

A pocket door slides into a frame of metal and wood that is installed when the wall is constructed. In place of solid studs, the pocket-door frame utilizes “split studs”—one on each side of the door—which the door slides between to open and close

fanlight door frame

Fanlights (sometimes known as transom windows) are small windows above doors. They are usually semicircular, elliptical or rectangular in shape. Although they’re beautiful to look at, fanlights originated as an architectural device. They allow more light into the entrance hallway of a property.

sidelight door frame

Luckily, single, double and sidelighted doors usually are made in standard sizes. Unless your house is very old, you should be able to find a replacement door/sidelight unit that will fit perfectly in the existing wall opening